Find out how to reach and alert your end-users in three steps with the MeteoFactory© package

How Does It Work?

MeteoFactory© is based on an integrated state-of-the-art system available on a friendly web interface that allows a very easy use of all features.

Early Warning Solution

Early Warning Solution (EWS) - Generation and dissemination of meteorological alerts and awareness maps AwareMet – Specific editor for meteorological alerts Management of meteorological alerts in case of forecasted severe weather Selection of event type (heavy rainfall, strong winds, sand storms, heat-cold waves, snow, ...) Alert level allocation (based on Météo-France's 4 levels : Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) Regular follow-up in case of red and orange alerts Automatic dissemination of Early Warnings (awareness map and reports) to defined public (authorities, medias, civil security, general public) under the adequate format (fax, email, ...). Fully compliant with PWS (Public Weather Services)

Early Warnings dissemination

Specific assistance to set-up your Early Warning System

Forecaster’s Expertise

MetEditor : Forecaster's expertise input interface for Public Weather Services (PWS)

MeteoFactory© is specifically meant to be plugged to SYNERGIE (the expert's tool for forecasting and warnings) and it opens the solution to the production of added value information through the MetEditor interface.

Product Set Up & Customization

MeteoFactory© integrates transfer of knowledge and team support from Meteo France International thereby ensuring an extensive distribution of your services.

Because we are an integral part of Météo-France (leader in meteorology services in terms of commercial revenues), we have necessary experience and resources to conduct with you :

Automatic Production Engine

The production heart of MeteoFactory© hosts a central production data base that stores and makes constantly available and updated all information necessary for automatic production of defined products.

The production server is composed by a set of different production modules enabling generation of specified products according to different formats, such as:

MeteoFactory© is installed with some native products templates created by professional graphic designers (fax, ready-to-print press formats, extranet...). These formats will be adapted on demand to match your organization's or your customers' specific graphics requirements.

To complete this automatic production set, MeteoFactory© is equipped with an automatic scheduling and dissemination server that correlates end-users required deadlines and frequency of availability of new observed and forecasted data to guarantee delivery of up-to-date information. It uses all means of communication to reach your users (Web, fax, ftp, voice, email, public screen displays, sms...).

Product Outputs

To enable creation of all tailored products in specified formats MeteoFactory© gives access to an array of optional modules such as :

Support Services

As your partner Meteo France International will assist you during all marketing and installation process of the MeteoFactory© in order to ensure end-users satisfaction :