• Atlas: Off-Line Event Processing

    Atlas was developed by Nanometrics as an interactive data processing package for extracting, locating, and organizing digital seismograph data from Earthworm databases, SEED files, Nanometrics DataServer and Nanometrics Stores.
    • Generate trace data packages—events—using data from Nanometrics data servers, Nanometrics Stores, picks, and analysis results
      • Access data from Earthworm databases; Nanometrics data servers; and Nanometrics Stores over any network or Internet connection
      • Import/export SEED files
      • Merge traces from events in other databases
    • View and Pick events using the intuitive interface
      • Sort traces by first phase time or by channel name
      • View multiple events simultaneously from several data sources
      • Edit event and solution names
    • Edit existing events—create phase, duration, and amplitude picks, create multiple solutions, and manipulate trace data
      • Load and add trace data to events
      • Correct for instrument response
      • Do magnitude estimations:
      • • based on corrected signal amplitude
        • based on duration
        • calculated using Hypoinverse
      • Calculate event location solutions, using Hypoinverse
      • Edit the Hypoinverse phase input file
      • Add comments to solutions and events
      • Recalculate individual or all amplitude picks
    • Create digital filters and apply them individually or as a group to trace data
      • Instrument deconvolution
      • Instrument simulation
      • Trend removal
      • Ground motion conversion
      • S-plane and Z-plane filters, using either poles and zeroes or coefficients for the transfer function
      • Butterworth filters
    • Work with fully interactive maps that combine a geographical display of stations and epicentres with various attributes of the event—see which stations contributed to the solution, make adjustments, calculate a new solution, and compare with another solution
      • Load and display maps that use any of several file formats: • ArcInfo • ESRI shape files • DTED • Raster files – JPEG and GIF
      • Apply various projections: • Mercator • Lambert Conformal Conic • Stereographic • Identity projection (no projection)
      • Customise map data settings—almost any aspect of an event can be shown: be it a P-pick residual or a magnitude, using a variety of widgets
      • Do a spectral analysis of any trace or trace segment
      • Easily create HTML bulletins to view and distribute summaries of events
      • Easily post bulletins to Athena
  • Response Hydra: Real-Time Data Processing

    Response Hydra is used for the detection, processing and reporting of worldwide earthquakes by the National Earthquake Information Center. Response Hydra acquires real-time seismic data from the Nanometrics NaqServer utility and/or SeedLink Server utilities.

    Real-time data processing is performed by Earthworm-based protocols. Response Hydra allows seismologists the ability to process trace data for picks, associate picks into origins, determine initial rough locations and insert all data into Oracle Hydra database for further processing.

    Response Hydra communicates with Athena Publisher Software to facilitate the dissemination of network data in your chosen format.
  • Binder: Efficient Management of Station-Channel Names and Locations (SCNL)

    Binder is a shared network utility that allows Nanometrics applications to pair instrument data with seismic station metadata. This pairing allows each channel in the application to be uniquely identified with a station-channel name and location code (SCNL) for binding with locations and/ or instruments. Binder provides network managers with a much higher level of network transparency than would be possible with less sophisticated naming conventions and network management tools.
  • Athena: Event Cataloging and Notification Athena Enterprise is a cataloging and notification system for earthquake monitoring networks that can be accessed via any web browser. Athena allows the distribution of near real-time and fully processed earthquake data via a wide range of channels or routes including email, SMS, RSS news feeds, web pages, and Google EarthTM or Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) mapping screen displays.

    The Athena Enterprise Web server maintains an earthquake catalog in the Athena Enterprise SQL database. The catalog event data is populated by Response Hydra in real-time and manually from Atlas .csv files and IMS1.0 .gse bulletins.

    Athena Enterprise maintains a catalog of all earthquakes processed by a network or groups of networks. Specific seismic activity such as earthquakes by time, depth, magnitude and location, can be browsed or queried through the Athena Web application. The results of each search are displayed on a map allowing click-throughs to specific earthquakes for detailed earthquake parameters and full processing history.

    The Athena Enterprise database is intended to operate as an online historic archive containing all known information about each earthquake. Athena Enterprise can be used internally within an institute or externally powering an institute’s Web site. When used externally, the earthquake catalog can be restricted to display only those earthquakes that have been reviewed by an analyst and cleared by the institute for publication. The same Athena Enterprise catalog will display all earthquakes to users who have the required permissions and are logged on to Athena Enterprise.

    Athena Enterprise includes a wide range of earthquake notification features. You can create email groups and set rules for the notification of earthquake activity. Notification rules for any specific group of recipients can be based on earthquake magnitude, location, or whether or not the earthquake has been reviewed by an analyst. These features allow the Athena administrator to establish notification rules for information publication.